Home Maintenance Tips for Summer

With summer in full swing, now is the perfect time to maintain items in ways that you wouldn’t during the rest of the year.

We’re going to talk today about some steps to take as a homeowner in order to maintain your investment as we move through the summer. Each of the ideas we’ll discuss will help you get more out of your home and keep everything functioning as it should. Read on now to find out which items you need to work on.

Check All The Detectors Are Functioning Properly

Checking that the detectors are functioning as they should throughout your property is something that you’ll definitely want to do regularly. They keep your family safe in the event of the worst happening, and that’s why you need to maintain them correctly throughout the year. There’s often an increased risk of certain types of fire during the summer and hot weather, so checking them now is wise, especially if you haven’t done so for quite a while.

Check The Home Insulation

It’s a good idea to check the insulation in the home if you haven’t done so for a while. The insulation matters just as much in the summer as in the winter. Good insulation can keep heat out of the home on the hottest days of summer, and that results in lower cooling costs. It’s definitely something to explore if you’re not sure what kind of condition your insulation is in or whether it’s time to upgrade it.

Clean Out The Debris From the Gutters

If your home’s gutters haven’t been cleaned out for quite a while, that’s something that you’ll want to focus on. Cleaning them out will help ensure water damage doesn’t become an issue for your roof, walls or foundations. You can make the exterior of the home look a lot more aesthetically pleasing by doing this as well.

Carry Out An A/C Functionality Test

The A/C unit is one of the most important components in the home during the summer, and the last thing you’ll want is to have it let you down when you need it most of all. That’s why it’s a good idea to carry out a functionality test before it’s too late.

Power Wash The Deck and Patio

You spend a lot more of your time outside during the summer, and that’s why it’s a good idea to clean the deck and patio area. If you have a power wash, be sure to make use of it and clean down the deck and patio area at the soonest opportunity. If you don’t have a power wash, you can easily rent one or hire someone to do the work for you.

Clean And Fix Up The Windows And Window Screens

Cleaning up and fixing the windows and window screens in your home is a good way to help you get through summer in the most comfortable way possible. From an aesthetic point of view, it makes sense to spend some time cleaning the windows and cleaning down the screens if that’s something you haven’t done for a while. You can also install some window filters if you want to keep out some of the sun and UV rays.

Mitigate Potential Pest Problems

Mitigating pest problems is definitely a wise step as we get deeper into summer. The last thing you want is for your summer to be ruined by insects taking over the garden and home. It makes it very difficult for you to dine outside with your family when there are bugs and insects everywhere, and it’s even worse when they’re in your home as well. So take steps to ensure they’re kept at bay if you can.

There are lots of maintenance tasks to focus your time and energy on this summer, and each of the ideas we’ve discussed today will help you get more out of your home. Finally, don’t forget to contact us if you make any major summer purchases. This way we can update your homeowners insurance policy to reflect them!