How Summer Landscaping Improvements Could Affect Your Home Insurance

As summer rolls in, it often brings with it a desire to make home improvements, particularly in the landscaping arena. A lush lawn, blooming flowers,…

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How Smart Home Devices Can Reduce Your Insurance Rates

As technology advances, we see a rise in smart home devices designed to make our lives easier, safer, and more convenient. From smart thermostats to…

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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Leaks and Other Roof Repairs?

An unexpected roof repair could set you back up to $1,700. If you don't have the money for that, you could file a homeowners insurance claim to cover…

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What to Look for in a Cyber Insurance Policy

As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, businesses of all sizes recognize the importance of a robust cyber insurance…

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How to Choose a Business Insurance Provider: What You Need to Know

Part of being a responsible business owner is protecting your assets. You can think of insurance as a safety net for your organization, helping you…

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6 Types of Insurance Coverages You Need in Every Area of Your Life

Life happens. That's the best way to explain why insurance coverage is so essential. Perhaps this is why insurance is one of the largest Industries…

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8 Business Insurance Purchasing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

If you're going to run a successful business today, you must ensure you cover all of your details. One of the main details you'll need to stay on top…

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Renter’s Insurance vs Landlord Insurance: What’s the Difference?

While renter’s insurance and landlord insurance can be applied to the same property, they often work to protect against different damages. And…

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Top Insurance Options for Your Beach House

Beach homes can be an incredibly fun luxury for you and your family to enjoy. They’re conveniently located near the ocean–- often within walking…

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Condo Insurance vs. Homeowner’s Insurance: What’s the Difference?

Did you know that there are distinct differences between condo and home insurance? While homeowners' insurance is not mandatory, 93% of homeowners…

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​​Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Roof Replacements?

In New Jersey and other northern states, heavy snows, hail, and ice storms can wreak havoc on your roof. In Kansas and other midwestern states,…

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4 Frequently Asked Questions About Coastal Business Insurance

New Jersey is a great place to live and work, but compared to other states, it’s at a significantly higher risk for a wide range of damages thanks to…

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