Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Leaks and Other Roof Repairs?

An unexpected roof repair could set you back up to $1,700.

If you don’t have the money for that, you could file a homeowners insurance claim to cover roof leaks.

But filing this claim with your homeowner’s insurance can be tricky. Keep reading to find out how to get your claim filed to cover the cost of your roof repair.

How Roof Coverage Works

Since the roof is an important part of the structure of your home, you’ll likely be able to claim it under your homeowner’s insurance. You may be able to find it under the dwelling coverage section. You may also qualify if the roof damage is due to a storm or natural disaster.

Depending on your policy, they could pay for a repair or cover the total roof replacement cost. However, the coverage will often depend on how old the roof is. The roof may just be insured for the cost of the roof, not the current cost that it would be to replace it in the market.

If you can claim a roof repair through your insurance, you’ll have to pay the policy deductible before any of your coverage comes into play. Some policies are different, especially if you’re in a high-risk state. For example, if you’re in Florida and experience hurricanes, then you’ll likely have a higher deductible.

If you’re unsure what is covered, the best way is to check your policy or contact an insurance agent.

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover It?

The short answer is yes, but it will depend on your specific policy. If you’re looking for a homeowners insurance policy that will cover your roof leak, you definitely have options.

However, these inclusive policies may only cover the roof if its damage is caused by peril. For example, if you experienced a severe Northeastern storm that caused your roof to leak, then the insurance would help you pay for the repair of the roof leak.

Note that some policies exclude leaks caused by hail or wind, so you’ll need to check your specific policy. Additionally, if your roof leaks because you failed to maintain it correctly or if it’s failing due to general wear and tear, the insurance likely won’t cover it.

Should You File a Claim?

The first thing you should do is to check your deductible. The deductibles could be as little as $500 or as much as $2,000. Before you file a claim, you’ll need to decide if paying the deductible is worth it.

For example, if your deductible is $2,000, but the repair will only cost $1,700, as we mentioned above, it might not be worth it to file a claim. But if the deductible is $500 and the repair is $1,700, then you should file a claim.

Also, remember that filing a repair claim could cause your insurance premium to go up sometime in the future. You’ll also need to analyze whether the cost to repair the roof is worth potentially paying a higher premium for your homeowner’s insurance.

Before you file a claim, contact a few roofers and get some quotes to help you determine if it’s worth it.

Will It Cover a Roof Replacement?

Most roof leaks can be fixed with a minor repair. However, if there is severe damage that is causing a big leak, then you may need to pay for a complete roof replacement, which can be expensive.

Your homeowner’s insurance might cover it, but it depends on what coverage you have. Some policies will cover it on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes, you may have to pay for the total cost if you need one after a covered claim. However, if you have coverage that offers actual cash value, you may be paid out on the depreciated cost of your existing roof.

Are There Any Special Exceptions?

If you’re unsure of whether your homeowner’s insurance will actually cover the cost of the roof, you might be able to qualify with some notable exceptions.

For example, if your roof suddenly crashed down or a major hole or tear appeared, then you’re likely to get coverage to protect the overall structure of the house.

If the leak or damage isn’t as bad, then it might be challenging to file a claim successfully. Even if you have a terrible rain storm and a leak occurs, the insurance company could claim that your roof leaks only due to general wear and tear.

However, even if the insurance company won’t cover the roof repair cost, they will cover any costs associated with water damage caused by a leaking roof.

Can You Get Reimbursed?

Reimbursement will depend on how old your roof is. It depreciates yearly, and many insurances won’t reimburse you for any roof over 20–25 years old.

If you want to get the best chance of getting reimbursed for your roof, call the insurance company for an inspection. Have all of your documentation ready. This should include your current policy, any roof work you have done, and any photos of the damages or leaks.

Learn More About What to Do When Your Roof Leaks

Dealing with roof leaks can be a hassle, but it doesn’t have to be if you have the right insurance company to help you out.

If you’re looking for new homeowners insurance and aren’t sure where you should look to find one that offers roof repairs, we’re here to help.

Contact us today to find an insurance policy that fits all of your needs.