Time to dust off your bike!

May 5, 2017

May is National Bike Month, so it’s time to dust off your two-wheeler and get going! Did you know that New Jersey is ranked #11 as a bicycle friendly state according to The League of American Bicyclists? Check out this link for some great trails in your area.

But wait!

Before you hit the road, make sure you and your bike are prepared and you understand the rules of the road.

  • Ride a safe bike
    Be sure your bike is adjusted to fit you properly. Use a bright headlight and taillight at night as required by law.
    Know Your ABC’s:
    A is for Air- Bike tires should be firm.
    B is for Brakes- Squeeze your brakes and make sure the brake pads contact the rim. If there is less than ¼” of brake pad left, replace them.
    C is for Chain- Check your chain is lubricated and free of rust. Chain should run smoothly around gears.
  • Wear a helmet
  • Avoid the right hook of right turning vehicle
    People driving may not see a person riding a bicycle passing on the right.
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic
    By law, you must ride in the same direction as automobile traffic. It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to ride against traffic as people driving, especially at intersection and driveways, may not be looking for people riding bicycles the WRONG way.
  • Avoid riding on the sidewalk
    People walking have the right of way on walkways. If you must ride on sidewalks, please do so at a walking pace. Slow down and look very carefully for traffic at driveways or intersections.
  • Keep your bike in good repair
    Maintain your bike in good working condition. Before you ride, check that your bicycle tires’ air pressure, brakes, and chains are in working order (ABC Quick Check).


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Beacon Cycling

Check out our good friends at Beacon Cycling in Northfield for your cycling needs. They have experts on staff for repairs and an outstanding selection of bikes & accessories.

Come in for a visit and use this coupon to receive $10 off any purchase over $50!

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C&C Bike Shop
No matter if you are looking to upgrade to a new bike or want to improve your existing one, C&C Bike Shop is proud to carry a variety of bicycle brands and accessories. Their goal is to help you and every member of your family find the cycles to fit your riding styles, needs, and budget.

Here’s a coupon for 15% off your next purchase!

